What she she said was "no way." You see, she is Highly internally motivated to do well! She is also quiet and a teacher pleaser in class, thus she falls through the cracks in school when it comes to teachers recognizing her... So much so that the kids that earned the brag tags in intermediate school were the ones that, in her opinion, would get in trouble and did something good such as holding a door open and would then earn a brag tag. This past year, she earned 100 on her EOC Algebra test, the only one in her grade level to do so and someone else earned the math award when it came to the end of year awards. Now one could say that the scores came in after the certificates were already made, the point is, she was overlooked. This has been the story of her academic career. My husband also chimed in and said that his experience is one where he has in the past been awarded merit badges at work do to his excellence in sales. He has in fact been the leader in sales at his location for the past 5 years. Somewhere along the way, his sales became an expectation and others began receiving the award and recognition even though he has top sales. So they wouldn't feel bad..why is this? Perhaps we are missing the mark when it comes to badges, awards and recognition. They are afterall external rewards. As we know and research suggests, external rewards do not effectively translate to internal motivation? What are your thoughts? A badge to the first person to comment!