Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Connection #3 Why I Choose to be a Teacher Leader #SAVMP

I feel funny in ways saying teacher leader. Being the leader implies that there are some that must follow. In fact, here is a great video in what it takes to be a leader.  I think inspirer would be a better term. 
Yes, I work on being a Teacher Inspirer everyday. Somedays, I am better at it than others. I would define an inspirer as one whom:

1. Helps others find and develop their Passion
2. Discover their WHY
3. Embraces Innovation
4. Consistently Coaching 
5. A Relective Practitioner
6. Responsive Listener
7. A Multiplier

While this list is not exhaustive, it is what I aspire to be! My hope for all schools is that they are places the students and teachers alike learn and grow. Where climate and culture are healthy and strong. In schools with a community of learners (and teachers are learners too!) which embrace risk taking and innovation. I yearn for schools that let go of the boundaries of the walls and are open to authentic interactions with peers and experts around the globe. I desire to be a part of effecting such change. 

As an ITS, being no longer in the classroom and not yet in an admin role, my question to myself is, which way do I go? Do I head in the direction of campus admin or continue on my journey in the EdTech realm? I'll be honest, I see more opportunities to grow in admin, but my passion is technology in education. My love is children.

WonderN which way to go and knowing this #SAVMP experience will lead me on a pathway I can't even imagine!

Onward on this Journey,


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