Sunday, July 28, 2013

Connection #1

I'm an introvert...there I said it. A quiet personality, slow to warm some would say. A fervent observer, watching others, learning social norms and blending in...Yes this describes me. I don't feel I stand out in any one way or another and was taught to speak when spoken to and that children are to be seen and not heard. That was my upbringing and a record that plays in my brain to this day.
But I am not an introvert when speaking about my passion, education. I am a former SPED and Kindergarten teacher and currently an Instructional Technologist. I love technology and its ceaseless ability to connect us to others. In a crazy way it allows me to connect with others, especially via Twitter and have conversations that I would have a hard time doing face to face (an area for me to work on, I know). 
So tonight I am making this connection, and creating a new habit, blogging. If I have learned anything this Summer through my experiences at #ISTE13, Twitter and #Edcampfwtx, it is the power of connecting with other like minded educators in meaningful ways. 
If I can't do it face to face this a a good way to start!


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